The Foliage Report is a weekly report during the autumn tracking fall foliage change throughout the United States. The report is compiled by aggregating data from multiple sources into easily viewable maps. Currently, maps are published by The Washington Post, multiple websites, and The Fall Color Guy’s blog.

The Foliage Report has also been featured on CBS Saturday Morning, WeatherNation, FOX Weather, and FOX Business. As well as around 80 local tv stations from California to Massachusetts.

The Foliage Report is owned and compiled by Kyle Cotner.


Our History

The Foliage Report started as a weekly newsletter sent to a small group of friends and colleagues during Kyle Cotner’s tenure as a White House Staff Assistant. Growing up in Florida, Kyle had not experienced the vibrant seasons that Washington, D.C. has to offer. This began his love for foliage and the changing of seasons. After residing in the DMV for 13 years, Kyle moved to Dallas, Texas with his wife, Kelly, and four-year-old son, Henry.


While the emailed newsletter is still in circulation today, it is only sent to a few hundred people to maintain exclusivity. In 2018, Kyle became a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.

In 2021, Evan Fisher joined The Foliage Report as an expert not only for his beloved North Carolina mountains but also compiling information for KML files to be distributed to media partners.

Panelist Evan Fisher - Carolina Weather Group

Evan graduated from UNC Asheville in the spring of 2023 with an undergraduate degree in Atmospheric Sciences, he is currently in grad school attending North Carolina State University.

On September 1st, 2023, Evan started Explore Fall, a website partnered up with The Foliage Report to track autumn colors.