All maps were produced by The US Drought Monitor. As we head into the 2023 Foliage Season, we are discussing areas of concern. This is based on the Drought Level Intensity. Drought intensity plays a crucial part in a successful fall season.
The Northeast/Mid-Atlantic:
Given the amount of rain New England and the entire region has received, we are not too concerned. The Catoctin Mountains and area slightly west Baltimore, Maryland is only slightly concerning but this can be fixed with a few good rains.

This area has great concerns headed into the season. Specifically, in the Ozarks and central Missouri as well as areas of Minnesota and Wisconsin as they are in extreme drought. Ozark/Central Missouri area may see a delay in fall color by a weeks and potential for the leaves turning brown and falling

Southeast and parts of the Mid-Atlantic:
Currently, this area is looking to have a very healthy fall color change season. The area of Northern Virginia is not much of a concern at this time.

Plains and parts of the West:
High concern for the Wichita and Hays area of Kansas. Wichita is a sneaky good autumn color spot every year but 2023 may be delayed by a few weeks. For Nebraska, the eastern/central location of the state up to the Sioux City, Iowa border is concerning with the drought intensity

South Central and Tennessee:
In 2022 the Nashville area was in a higher drought intensity, causing a poor fall foliage season. This is currently not the case. East Tennessee is looking great as well. Big concern is north central Oklahoma which can show some pretty good fall color. Central Texas region is also in a bad spot, but the trees normally don’t show as much vibrant colors as northern Texas and out in the Big Bend area.

Impressed with the drought intensity level for much of the West. Due to a very snowy winter/spring, many parts of this area may have impressive fall colors. Zero concern for Colorado, northern Utah, and large portion of California. This area is looking to have a wonderful season.
Areas of heightened concern include many parts of the State of Washington and Oregon. Keeping an eye on the Taos, New Mexico given the heat and low rainfall, the area has wonderful color from the aspen trees.

The northern slope region of this state should start off the fall season in a few weeks, yes that’s correct!
I’m expecting at this time a really good season for Alaska.